Just one step forward, from the
Wall based Curtain systems, when it is bent in more than one direction. The secret is to Create an In-Place Mass and use it's
Face for CW creation. I do not prefer this method, although it is easy to visualize concept, but it is tricky, to roll it to Construction documentation and Fabrication.
So the step without detailed explanation:
- Create az In-Place Mass: Massing & Site Ribbon / Conceptual Mass Tab / In-Place Mass - maybe I will write about it later
- Place a Curtain System on it: Massing & Site Ribbon / Model by Face Tab / Curtain System (on the Ribbon do not forget to click Create System button after Face selection)
- You can add or remove Grids as we saw before
- Changing Panels was a previous topic also
- You can add Mullions at the Type Properties of the Curtain Wall or one-by-one with the Mullion command from the Home/Architecture Ribbon
Do not wait for a miracle. You can offset the Grid from adjusted line, but can not rotate from main direction of the Mass face jused as source geometry. You can do tricks, with creating Masses using custom Reference Planes or Faces, but this could be too difficult for a Revit-newbe...